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Paying It Forward


In this program, students receiving a full academic scholarship are helping people in their communities. They ‘pay back’ their education by giving back to their communities. They are changing lives! 


They survey their communities, do needs based evaluations and identify the people they’ll empower.


  • They then provide:

  • Firewood collection for cooking

  • Fetching water from the river

  • House & compound Cleaning

  • Jigger removal

  • Make their shopping lists

  • Do their shopping for them & deliver it

  • Do Pharmacy runs 

  • & everyone’s FAVOURITE PART:

  • Cooking, sharing meals & stories together!


They do EVERYTHING it takes to empower someone, they even carry immobile people to go cast their vote ballot, if they have to! 





why are we paying it foward?

At I am Heshima, we believe that regardless of what the world defines you as, YOU have the power deep within you to change the world. 


In our village, way too many elders and people living with disabilities are stigmatized and suffering in silence. 


Our students are changing this reality. 


  • The Immeasurable benefits of this program include:

  • Mutual LOVE


  • Inter generational FRIENDSHIP

  • DEFYING the Odds

  • TEAMWORK & so much more.


The BEST PART of this program: 


Heshima kiddos who were once shunned and seen as useless are now LEADERS in their communities. They’re uplifting people from the same dark corners of society that they used to live in. 


That is what we call going FULL CIRCLE.

SUPPORT our leadership program TODAY!

to move


you have to GIVE BACK.

- O.  Winfrey

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